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Sensory Integration – Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
  • Motion Perception
  • Internal Estimator Model
  • Neural Processing of Multi-sensory Signals

To maintain postural balance, balance sensory organs such as eyes, vestibular apparatus, muscle spindles, measure body movement and provide sensory information to the central nervous system, which then integrates multi-sensory signals to best es-timate actual body movement. Based on the estimate of body movement the central nervous system selects control plan and sends the motor command to musculoskeletal system. However, aging, injuries, or side effect of medication could cause the functional degradation of sensory organs and the control plan obtained from inaccurate sensory information could cause postural imbalance. We investigate how the nervous system integrates multi-sensory signals when sensory conflict as well as sensory noise exists. Experimentally kinematics, reflexes, and perception of human subjects are measured and system dynamics and state estimator theory are used for data analysis and modeling.